January 21, 2025

Leggo My Finance

Naughty cat eats Malaysian man’s university degree

The degree might just be a paper but it carries so much of value when it comes to applying for jobs, especially if you’re a fresh graduate.

The possibility of your demanding for a better salary and even raise is higher if you have a degree in a specific course.

Tell this to Mika the cat because clearly it doesn’t give two fucks.

Chewed off by a hungry cat. IMAGE: mamblonumber5/Twitter.

Its owner (or slave, depending on who you ask), Afif Adlan bin Mohd Hanafiah, had graduated with a degree in finance, accounting and management from Malaysia’s University of Nottingham in July 2020. That’s pretty recent!

He returned home to find parts of his degree chewed.

Taking to Twitter, he posted: “Of all the useless papers in my room, he ate my f**king degree. It’s like he f**king knew.”

The culprit clearly didn’t give two shits. I mean, just take a look at Mika.

“What degree?” Yawn. IMAGE: mamblonumber5 / Twitter.

The good news is, majority of his certificate was not shredded to pieces as only the corner bits were bitten off.

Afif’s tweet has garnered close to 80,000 retweets with over 475,000 likes since it was posted on December 21, 2020.

Turns out, he’s not the only one who has experienced such incidences. Other pet owners posted images of items eaten or bitten off by their furry friends.

For instance, this guy shared the same predicament because his degree too was eaten by his dog.

This Twitter user had his US$20 note chewed off by his Dalmation.

Ah, the trials and tribulations of being pet owners.

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Cover image sourced from mamblonumber5 / Twitter.