BRIDGEPORT — Former City Councilwoman Eneida Martinez, accused of violating pandemic restrictions at a social club she managed, came to court Tuesday hoping to convince a Superior Court judge to grant her a pre-trial probation program and ran head on into the Tate-Nixon family.

“I know she (Martinez) didn’t kill my son, but she was a councilwoman and should be held to a higher standard,” said Nixon’s mother, Nicole Tate, breaking into tears in front of the judge. “There is no accountability, nothing.”

Martinez, who stood a few feet from the family, showed no emotion. But her lawyer, John R. Gulash, after a brief discussion with the judge and prosecutor, told the judge he was withdrawing the application for accelerated rehabilitation.

The judge continued the case to July 8.

“I don’t know how she has the audacity to seek probation,” Tate said as Martinez walked by her in the courtroom.

Martinez and Gulash declined comment as they left the Golden Hill Street courthouse.